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Nov. 4, 1932

Dear Sis,

I am indeed sorry that I have neglected to write to you sooner but as I was busy for most of the time I know you will forgive me. Everybody home here is fine. Mother is continually working as she always does while daddy is busy thinking up ideas for letters to send to you (not write you). Ed has been working for quite a while now and he sure helps out with his paycheck. Art is still fooling around the house as he can find no job. The rest of us are all busy with our school work.


We are having a raffle down at school sponsored by the mothers’ club and I consequently am wholly engrossed in selling chances. Prys (?) for loyal workers are well worth working for. For every one card I sell I receive a chance on an official regulation basketball. For every five cards I sell I get a day off. And to the boy who sells the greatest number of chances, he receives a beautiful hand-painted white Sacred Heart on white velvet, by Brother Austin. I have sold nine cards and am still going strong. I certainly intend to get two holidays as I have only one card left to sell to earn it. As the raffle ends Saturday Nov. 5 I still have a chance to receive the picture but even if I do it will be given to mother.


Out of the five subjects I take I like Biology the best. For every specimen I bring in alive I receive extra points. If you discover any bugs or other interesting insects out there please save them for me.  Found a queer looking buy on Aunt Annie’s oleander bush last Tuesday and when I brought it to school I discovered that it was only a grass cricket. But even though that’s all it was I received credit for it. I also turned in a clam Art caught one time while fishing and received ten extra points for that.


Daddy brought home a coal black cat that he received from one of his customers. It’s a very pretty cat and we all like it. Jerry had his white rat in the basement with the cat but he thought that rat was safe as he had it in a wooden box with a piece of glass over the top. He went down in the basement Monday and there was the cat sitting on the glass watching the rat. The next time he went down into the cellar, he found the rat had disappeared and so did the cat. We later found the cat but we still are looking for the rat. Jerry things the rat got out but we think the cat got in. The cat wouldn’t eat anything until yesterday, then we all had to look for her to show her we had food. Two point of fire in the coal bin determined for us the whereabouts of the cat.


The band is giving a concert on Sunday, Nov. 13 and I am going to play at it. I am coming along fine in music and I think I shall soon obtain berth in Sister Aurelia’s orchestra over at school. I am going to learn how to play Art’s clarinet so that I will be able to get into a good orchestra (not meaning that Sister’s is no good) but I mean one where I get paid about $5 to $7 a night. I went to the Weiner Minstrels on some passes daddy got and I certainly did enjoy the jokes & the music. The trombone smear (?) was swell and I wish they had 2 on every program.


Mother just now said that she is going to join the mothers’ club as Art and Dick can take care of the house when she goes to meetings. I think the getting out will do her good so I’ll show her who the pres. Is tomorrow night at the mother’s club Bunco and raffle and she can tell her of her intentions to join.


Well as my time is becoming short I will begin to close. So that you will be assured of success in your music I will offer up my Communion on Sunday and every day for one week. I will say a rosary (for) to the Poor Souls for your success. Tell me in your next letter how you come out in the recital, will you? Well as I have just about exhausted my thought I think I will say goodbye Hoping to hear from you soon. I sure I will

I remain

Your loving brother



[To go to the next letter, click here: 11-8-1932]