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July 11, 1949


Dear Dolores:


        Greetings on this great and joyous occasion: one of Fairbanks Morse's stockholders, George Morse or Charles Morse, or somebody, died, and I have tomorrow off. Beloit is filled with wild celebration, and the entire town will probably stay open and awake till--who knows? Maybe 10:30 tonight. I myself am splurging--a picture show tonight, no less!

        J.V. and I spent the last week-end at Lake Lorrain and thereabout. We drove to Cedar Lake Illinois for a while Saturday too but it was a little too far for us to go back Sunday. We spent most of Sunday at Turtle Lake--and got sunburned again, of course. We put the finishing touches on the sunburn today playing tennis.

        You, dear little mermaid, must learn how to swim this summer, so that you and I may swim thru a hole in the ice this winter. With my own little hands I will cut a hole for you.

        If all goes well, I will be back to Chicago a week from next Saturday. If it is agreeable to you, we might go swimmin' Sunday--But try and save Saturday night for me anyway? Sunday can sink or swim.

        I am in a purple passion of envy--you bourgeois capitalists which get June bonuses will go comes da revolution. It will be the coolie laborers like me which don't get nuttin which will get da June bonuses--comes da revolution. Buttons and zippers... I hope you bought lots of each. They seem to fascinate me in some abnormal way.

        Your letter was real pretty. And it smelled nice too. I refuse to be bested, however, by a smell anyway--so please accept the best I have to offer--a generous portion of my after-shave lotion. I have not been using any of said stuff lately. Guess why?

        I am not running out of paper yet. I do not have to go any place right away. I am just going to stop writing cause I can't think of nuttin' else to say--



PS I just noticed that we live in the same postal district. Isn't that romantic as heck? I can't wait for the two weeks to pass now.


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