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Inside birthday card

"Wishing you a Birthday

As perfect as a rose,

With happiness and pleasure

and joy that grows and grows!"


April 1954


Dear Dolores,


        A few lines to wish you the happiest birthday ever and many more to come. Have been sick worrying and wondering why we don't hear from you. Is anyone sick or is there anything else wrong? Was very disappointed to hear you weren't coming but as we will be in Chicago soon I suppose it will be just as well. Our flowers here right now are so beautiful. I was wishing you all could see them. Called you several times but couldn't find you at home.

       How are Billy and Les? Can't wait until I see them of course Billy looks at me every morning when I wake up his picture is right in front of me on the dresser. Hoping to see you all well, happy soon and with oodles of love and kisses to you all I am as ever


Your loving Mom and Dad


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