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Key to those mentioned besides his wife and sons Larry, Jerry & Ed:

Marge = daughter-in-law, wife of Ed Jr

Viola = Viola Marek Fries, friend of his late daughter Irene

one name removed and replaced with relationship in italics



Lawndale Calif

Dec 21st 1953


Dear Dolores, Les and grandson,

            Since you are the most consistent correspondent, you naturally rate the most interest at this end as far as letter writing is concerned. I went to the mail box at the front door and came in shouting, Mom we hit the jackpot. Next was to scan the senders and find out who was so gracious. Alas one from Dolores, another, another, another another and a Xmas card. Mom said oh cut the foolin’ and let me hear it straight. So I says here, you look, and she did and what surprise. So Mom made me number them and date them so Larry could read in chronological order and date sequence.

            This being the shortest day in the year, darkness is closing in at 5 o’clock and I am hollering for Mom to turn on the lights. It was one beautiful day with a clear sky and temp in the 80s. Just came home with Mom from shopping, buying pork chops, steaks, hamburger, shoe brush, pan, jigsaws and milk, and all we went out for was milk.

            Last night it was so foggy you could barely see across the street and also one other night last week which one lasted until about 10 AM in the morning before it lifted and was it ever foggy, worse than last night. We were tickled pink Larry was back home in time, although he came thru some of it before it got too dense. He went to work at 2 PM today so we are hoping for no fog tonite as he works until 10 tonite.

            I sat out on the patio today in actually my shirt sleeves only and worked a jigsaw and finally your Mom came out to help me. You know, no resistance which I really enjoy as it breaks the monotony for her this way. We also got a regular Xmas letter from Viola as we had previously mailed her a Xmas card with our address. She also wrote Hi folks, are you living out here? If so, get in touch with us. Needless to say I will later.

            Also heard from Marge and Ed with a real cute letter in Marge’s inimitable style. No one but her can really spread that humor. She said they were going shopping for each other’s Xmas present. Ed was going to give her a storm door and she was going to get him a storm door. Thum fun.

            After sneaking reading them between washing, Mom finally completed her week’s washing, hung them out to dry and started ironing already. Some busy body.

Had to stop as a man came round for old newspapers so I went out to the garage and gave him a box full, being glad to get rid of them. Also moved the soaker, which means a sprinkling hose. It’s my job to take care do the lawn, sprinkling it once a week and it will be up to Larry to mow just as often. Still a little heavy for me to do as I would get winded and probably undo all the good. And I do mean good as I sure feel great. Why not with all this wonderful weather. Each one from back there writes about the severe, blasty, frigid, bleak, polar bear and many other nasty names for your weather. Marge is screaming like a stuck pig. Jerry said we took the sunshine with us. Since I left the front porch the weather has not been too tolerable. Wish we could send you some of ours.

Larry had his car partly stripped out in front of the house by leaving it out all night. Lost two headlight frames and one of his V8 emblems. Now he puts it in the garage after it’s too late. Oh well, you can’t tell Larry, but Mom and I tried. I took a roll of film as previously mentioned, but they were a year old and too weak to photograph a picture very vivid so now I must wait and do it all over again. Sending you two, but don’t squawk to the rest or they will all want one and they are not worth duplication.

Hope you get this before Xmas as we all want to again and again wish you all a very merry Christmas. This goes especially for Mom’s letter pal who adorns her dresses as she stands there she says it’s great to have little Billy peeking at me, even when I’m undressing, the little rascal.

 Love and kisses,

Mom, Dad, Larry

Lawndale Calif

Osborne 6-7333


To go to the next letter, click here: 1953 Dec 25