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by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf

people mentioned:

-all her children & their spouses: Ed & Margaret; Art, Irene & their daughter; Harry & Justy; Jerry & Charlotte, Frank/Bunk/Francis & Jinny & their children, Dolores, Larry

-neighbors Ruth & Leo Kelly, Janet King & her mother

-Mary & Moe--don't know who they are

-Larry's golf buddy Joe Carr & his wife


Lawndale Jan 31 --61


Dear Ones:

    Sorry I'm so late in thanking you for our Christmas gifts but it seems I just can't find enough time anymore to get all my housework done and write letters too. Guess I'm just getting old decrepid and slow. Dad had a real challenge in the 2 puzzles the kiddies sent him--the one he worked on for over a week even with Larry and myself helping a little bit too, so you can tell the kiddies they really fooled him with those two puzzles as he didn't get them done as fast as he thought he would but he enjoyed them very much.

    We had a rather lonely Christmas but the day after New Years we made up for it as we had quite a few here then. They all came to see the Rose Parade in color and stayed the rest of the day too. Mary + Moe + Ruth + Leo Kelly, Janet King + her mother + Joe Carr and his wife too. Joe is one of Larry's golfing buddies and he and his wife have been here quite a few times before. Well by the time they all left I was ready to sit down + relax because I had quite a busy day making sandwiches, serving coffee, coke + 7-Ups. Larry served anything stronger than that. All in all I was happy that someone was here to help us celebrate New Years day I mean the day after.

    Francis got here on Friday night before New Years with his second daughter but had to leave about 8:30 a.m. on New Years Day which was Sunday morning and I couldn't even go to the airport with him as we had all arranged to go to a different church that morning and I hated to miss out on seeing it. Every fourth Sunday of the month we go to a different church and several of the neighbors go with us.

    We went to a church in Inglewood last Sunday and it was such a beautiful new church it just took my breath away when we walked into it. It was really gorgeous--reminded me of the Chapel in Mundelein if you have ever seen it. Wish you could be there some Sunday when they have benediction there. Harry + Justy go there every year in the Fall first of all to see the scenery with all the leaves changing color etc + going to the chapel in Mundelein too.

    Well darlings how are you all, getting by the winter I hope without anyone getting colds, pneumonia etc. Hardly hear from anyone except Harry + Justy + occasionally from Art, Irene or their daughter. Jerry + Charlotte we never hear from nor Edward or Margaret. Dolores doesn't write too often either but then she does call and have a real visit with us.

    Bunk + Jinny sent us a picture of their new home in Dayton and it certainly is a real good looking house said they have quite a bit of repairing to do on it but they all seem to like it real well. Their oldest son likes his new seminary school in Cincinnati and the rest of the children like their new schools too. They say they have real nice neighbors and that helps a lot too to keep them from missing all their relatives + friends in Chgo.

    Well dearies I have ironing to do today besides shopping too so hoping you are all well as we are here. I will say toodle oo for now hoping to hear from you soon

With God's Blessings on you all



To read next, click here (by her husband, herself recovering from something serious): 1961 Feb 18 Edward