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Key to those mentioned besides his wife and son Larry:

Dolores = daughter

Hertzy = Richard Stalzer, Larry's friend (his photo at 1954 Jan 11)

Les = son-in-law, husband of Dolores

Lydia = Lydia Harnois Wachdorf, widow (and 2nd wife) of his late brother Harry.


Lawndale Calif

Feb 13th 1954


Dearest neglected,


        You really have us befuddled in your lamenting. I'd swear I wrote you in the last 10 days. It's baffling, incongruous, also incredible to believe of such negligence on my part. Did you get the last letter wherein I wrote Hertzy had left for ack home on a rather roundabout route? Left here on Tuesday Feb. 2nd, taking in Frisco, Seattle, Reno, and others too numerous to catalog.

        Last Saturday a young lady was going by the house just as I was going out the gate with letters in my hand on the way to the mail box, two blocks away. She noticed or surmised my errand and politely offered to take them along with hers as she was on her way to the same mail box. Mother and Larry saw me when I came in smiling, they looked accusingly at me and wondered about the flirtation with their old mossback. Mother even commented upon my prowess as a writer, as it was humorous.

        Anyway, here's the olive branch offered as a consoling deference. Would like to surpass the lost chronicle but you should see and also hear the rain. It's been at it all morning and now it's 12:30 noon with no let up in sight. Kinda dismal to reminisce and write with such support and environment.

        Let's get off the most wonderful and joyous news we have to report. Saw a chest specialist at Crenshaw Medical Center this week with the encouraging news all is well, substantiated with x-rays to prove it. Tra la la and a ooh la la for wonderful California. He said it's a fine climate to recuperate strength and has taken me off restrictions. Took me only a tiny second to absorb the full impact of the good news and I was standing at the liquor counter buying a wee bottle of wine to celebrate. As long as I have conquered "no smoking allowed" I'll continue abstaining and also save myself $10 to $15 per month burning up our money, so to speak.

        As we did not hear any preference for a doctor, we relied on the judgment of Lydia for a selection. She gave me the name of a doctor to see and what do you think! He turned out to be a ladies' doctor, specializing in obstetrics and female illness. As I had my baby, I told him it was my desire to have a picture taken to see how it was progressing in health. That's how I was directed to the other doctor by him, who was a complete stranger to all of us, but now I love him. He also gave me a fairly good check up. Now I have a mild case of arthritis that has me partly crippled. It's even a little difficult to write as both my arms are affected. Got a tube of antiphlogistine rubbing salve which has eased the pain considerable. In fact I think I shall live and retain my limbs.

        Yesterday Fri. 12th Emancipator's anniversary, we had Lydia as a guest. I picked her up at her home at 10 o'clock and also picked up by pre-arrangement some fishing poles and tackle, ironing board, pressure cooker, dripolator, etc, former belonging to my brother Harry. For supper we drove to the downtown area of LA, dining at Clifton's, which was very scenic. It is decorated in Hawaiian fashion, numerous falls and fountains, full 8 course dinner for 73 cents each. Music with meals and birthday greetings for parties with previous arrangements made.

        Just stopped writing to see Larry get his car out of the garage as water is nearly curb to curb. He drove back on the apron to lock the door or he could have waded back, the other way. Some rain. Expect to hear again about the poor city of Sierra Madre. You remember the last flood about a month ago when water rolled down the hillsides, flooding their homes. Reports have it that we will have rain for next two more days so far. Hope not as this is too confining.

        Jigsaw puzzles catch heck on these days. Mom is quite adept in fitting in pieces and chuckles when I ask for aid to fill in a confusing space. And as I said, Mom looks around and slyly says is this the piece you're looking for? Gosh darn her subtleness, much to my chagrin. Guess you knew all the while of her craftiness.

        See now you might delay your vacation for two weeks later. Don't procrastinate too long as we are also anticipating the greatest pleasure and have our own anxious moments. Just don't get fidgety or get prostate waiting. I had to wait long to get out here also. Thanks Les for his kind letter. Keep it up and take guidance from your lovely wife. She knows our weakness and caters to it almost daily. Thanks Dolores. Now closing with loads of love from your California gang,


Mom, Dad, Larry

3845 W. 154th

Lawndale Calif


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