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by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf

people mentioned:

dad = her husband, Ed Wachdorf Sr

Larry = her son

Les = her son-in-law

Ruth Kelly, neighbor

Janet King, neighbor

Marsha + Les who used to teach in Montana (don't know surname)

name of grandson replaced with "your oldest"


Lawndale--Apr 3--64


Dear Ones:

    At long last I am getting down to writing you the letter I promised to write a long time ago. Hope I am forgiven because I sure hope I can do better from now on--although I don't really feel too good yet. About all I really do is what has to be done like washing--ironing--keeping the house clean and straightened up and getting the meals, making the beds etc.

    Dad sits and works jigsaw puzzles from 10 A.M. to supper time and I try to get him to write a few letters but he says he will some time.

    We were over to Ruth's for Easter dinner--that is Larry and I, dad wouldn't go so Ruth sent his dinner over here. She had Marsha + Les a young couple that used to teach in Montana there too, in fact she always has them when she has us. She had dinner a nice ham dinner about 3 o'clock and about 7 o'clock we all came over here and had coconut cake and coffee before we sat down to watch Disneyland.

    I got a great big 11 cup clock percolator from Larry and a big size Teflon frying pan and spatula for my birthday so I thought it would be a good time to use it and break it in. Both Mary and Ruth tried out the new Teflon frying pan and think it is about the most amazing frying pan they had ever used. Nothing burns in it and you don't even have to put grease in it to fry anything.

    Larry is going to San Diego to golf tomorrow and won't be home until Sunday night, they are having a tournament and as Larry runs it then he has to be there from when the first ones start out until the last ones are through. He really enjoys them although he has to make all arrangements, pays all their entree fees and everything of course he collects later on.

    We enjoy having him out for dinner because then sometimes I go with dad to 11 o'clock Mass and we stop on our way home and have hamburgers and french fries--and maybe something for dessert. Of course you know Larry isn't hard to cook for, anything I have suits him but sometimes it is a treat to eat out.

    Thanks so much honey for your nice letters and the pictures of the kiddies--they sure are growing up, and now I can hardly wait to get their First Communion pictures, did I get one of your oldest if not send me one.

    Sorry I was sick when Les was here--just think he didn't even have a cup of coffee here, and tell him anytime he comes here and has someone with him to bring him along over here too, his friends and anybody else's are always welcome here too.

    Well darlings I want to get this in the mail right away so maybe you will get it by Sat. so hoping you are all well and happy. May God Bless you all and keep you all in his care I'll say toodle oo (can't you hear me) and hope to hear from you soon

Love from your lonesome



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