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by Dolores Wachdorf to a friend, started 1-10-66, recommenced 2-8, for some reason never mailed

Some names removed, replaced with relationship in italics to show where it's been done

Jinny, Justy & Marge = her sisters-in-law, wives of Bunky, Harry & Ed respectively

Mom & Dad = Irene & Ed Wachdord


Stationary with image of cat in red bow tie, says, "I'm in such SPLENDID VOICE today-- I thought I'd send some sound your way."


Dear friend,

    Dig this crazy stationary that my oldest daughter bought for my middle daughter. I'm all out so I have use hers.

    I had awarded you the title of world's worst correspondent till your Christmas letter and now you're vindicated. Now my sister-in-law, Marge, has to the title all to herself. Boy, you've got it made on this next addition with all of your girls. You'll be lucky if you get your hands on the newest little critter at all. You still have one to go though if you're going to top us because our newest son made us an even half dozen. I'm finally sending a picture, taken this Christmas, so you can see for yourself what a handsome bunch we were able to produce. I always love to see you and your gang when your Christmas picture arrives and I hope you're whispering at night into each female ear to "elope." Otherwise you're sure going to have your hands full in not too many years with weddings.

February 8, 1966

    I'm going to finish this or know the reason why. I guest I'm the same old me that never does today what can be put off till tomorrow. Now on to answer your letter. So your husband enjoys hunting. Les had never tried it before Wisconsin but now is quite enthusiastic. He didn't get a deer this last season either but since he hunts with a group they divide the venison. We still have quite a few packages of venison in our freezing compartment.

    That Monte Carlo party sounds like it must have been fun. I love to gamble and that kind of aparty would really be my dish of tea.

    Wachdorfs are reasonably well...Jinny, Justy and Marge have had hysterectomies in the last year or so and Justy and Jinny snapped right back. Marge is not up to par yet and thinks a lot of her trouble is due to her excess weight. Also she's one stage behind on an ulcer so she really has to watch what she eats and drinks. Bunk + Jinny live in Somerset, New Jersey now and the rough part is that their second son married in Dayton so he and his wife and baby live in Dayton so they feel a good part of their family is missing and that's always tough.

    My mom and dad are about the same except that my mother just can't accept the fact that she must rest often through the day. She gets all discouraged with herself when she can't accomplish things and she should just relax and try to enjoy the slower pace. How I wish we lived close to them so I could give her a hand and so my children could truly appreciate what a wonderful gram they have. I hope I haven't made you feel bad talking about my mom and that it's not so painful for you to think about your wonderful mom.

    Had a letter from Justina yesterday and she said her son is leading his class at Quigley and her daughter is doing just as well. Harry had to change jobs recently because the company he worked for went out of business. He took a job with Wurlitzer selling organs but it isn't working out at all well because the hours are too long for the pay and selling organs is no easy task. We're all praying that he'll find something good soon. Well, my dear son is demanding some attention so 'snuff for now. Try to write oftener and so will I.




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