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1966 letters

1966 Jan 12 Irene thanking her daughter for Xmas gifts including home baked bread, laying it on thick in praise ("your father said he was very proud of his little Dolores making such a good loaf of bread which was even better than your mother even made") and in guilt ("Maybe I'll see you in May if I'm still around by that time"). Talks of religious figure gifts from Mary + Mo and gift of brocade purse from Barbara Schmidt, and says Larry was pleased with his record albums. Was busy cleaning house, can't get things done so well anymore and memory not so good anymore

1966 Jan 31 Bunky's 16-year-old daughter of Jinny & Frank Wachdorf to her aunt, on her mother buying out the meat market (half a cow and many chickens), on trip to Dayton to see her brother, his wife & baby, and the big snowstorm that kept them from getting home. ("naturally when we 'phoned my brother he didn't believe a word...Dad said, "Hi, I just wanted you to know we got back all right!" My brother: "Oh, you got home okay?" Dad: "I didn't say we got home, I just said we got back")

1966 Feb 1 Marge from Marge Kary Wachdorf giving the lowdown on all her kids & their families, including seeing some of her grandkids on the Bozo show, all got together for Christmas, made 81 mock chicken legs, bowling tournament with Jerry, Char, Dick, Millie, etc; on her health (still not back to normal, wearing corset, gained 10 lbs since surgery, gastric hernia).

1966 Feb 8 Dolores from Dolores to a friend, comparing sizes of families, admiring a Monte Carlo party, wishing she lived closer to her mother who can't accept limitations of getting older, summing up family news (operations for sisters-in-law Jinny, Justy and Marge), husbands deer hunting, freezer full of venison (not that he got a deer), Justy's news of her kids

1966 Mar 12 Hilda second page missing, on Harry's new job at Southtown Economist, Justy working temporarily, on Marge's latest operations, on Jerry & Char's plans for 25th wedding anniversary, their son in CA being helpful to Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, due to drive home soon with pal to see the sights en route

1966 July Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, on the unexpected death of Wilbur "Peanut" Schuch and her sort-of-premonition of it; on daughter's move to Connecticut, says Charlotte still talking about how good kids were when she watched them during birth (more than a year before) of Dolores' newest son. Put Peanut's obit at page bottom.

8-30-1966 death of Edward Wachdorf Sr

1966 Dec 10 Galligan by Margaret Stevens Galligan, daughter of Fran Wachdorf Stevens, to her cousin Dolores Wachdorf. Good to see everyone but sad it was for a funeral (of Dolores' father). Mentions death of Louise Pfleger, mentions Wachdorf's CA house broken into. On her family, her kids, her mother, her brothers. Bud's wife's health & his mother-in-law's health. Visit to Harry & Justy. Had Lettie Wachdorf Myers over for Thanksgiving among others. Cleaning at her Mom's, trying to get her Mom out more, her Mom's emphysema, etc. 

Postcard from Frank/Bunky Wachdorf to his mother in CA, postmarked 12-24-1966 from Hawaii, picture of women stringing leis, says in total, "Hi--tried calling you from San Fran before we left but phone was busy. We are on Philippine Airlines to Manila--See you on the way back--Hawaii is gorgeous--Frank + Jinny