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1965 letters

1965 Apr 15 Larry by Larry Wachdorf to his sister, summing up parents health (Dad no longer goes out... emphysema "causes him to become breathless at the least exertion, and he has a tough time bouncing back"... Mom "same old warhorse. To mass every morning. All the housework. Just takes a few more naps now.") On recordings of musicals, his golfing and bowling, on cheating the folks at pinochle, flooding in Wisconsin, brief ref to President Johnson.


1965 July Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf giving everyone a heads up that son Larry is driving to Chicago for 3 week vacation and hoping to stay with Char & Jerry "if they are home + will have him." Condolences on death of her son-in-law's father. Hoping for a visit.

1965 Oct 12 Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf apparently after a visit to California by her daughter, who must have stayed at the house of Ruth Kelly next door, on the subject of some remuneration for Ruth Kelly (I told her too that you would probably send her some cheese as Wisc is the cheese state and I know if you sent her some it would be real good and she said that wasn't necessary, she was just happy that you enjoyed being over there") and sorry she missed the birth of her newest grandson but will see him next summer "if I live long enough to go to Chgo next year."

1965 Oct 14 Marge from Margaret Kary Wachdorf, detailing her 4 in 1 operation and how husband Ed Wachdorf and daughters have been looking after her, expecting to go back to work in 3 months.

1965 Oct Irene from Irene Pfleger Wachdorf on grim state of Ed Wachdorf Sr's emphysema ("finally had enough strength to wash his face and shave") and "sitting in his rocker in the living room ever since we got back in his pajamas" implies they made a trip to Chicago.