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Many of these people may also be on this page: Wirtz 50th.

There are two more photos beneath the first.

To get back to the page you came from, either use the go-back button, or find the link in the relationship chart beneath the photo. To see the names, move the cursor over the person's eyes (give it a second there) and if a name has been attached to that person, it will appear. Click on the person's eyes, and it should take you to their page. There is another photo at the bottom of the page that was loaned by a grandchild of Lou Pfleger that was taken the same day and may have Veronica Juliana Jann Bitner in it. To view this photo at greater magnification, go to any page on which the photo is in the gallery (for example, this one: Bornhofen) and click on the thumbnail, then zoom.

Gert Bornhofen Pfleger Joe Bornhofen Lou Pfleger Marie Pfleger Leona Pfleger Eleanor Pfleger Dorothy Melsheimer Henry Jann Anna Utschig Jann Mary Utschig Jann Margaret Merten Eck John Bornhofen Catherine Merten Bornhofen Pearl Jann w/o Herb Sr. Herb Jann Jr. Herb Jann s/o Anna Charles Meysing Lee Jann s/o Anna Herb Jann Ed Eck Gert Wirtz Wiedemann Oscar Pfleger Annie Wirtz Pfleger Margaret Bitner Mary Wirtz Enk Mary Krump Wirtz Hubert Wirtz Chris Eck Harry Wachdorf Catherine Pfleger Dell Pfleger Wachdorf Anna Gertrude Jann Meysing

This is the 50th Anniversary party for John and Katherine Merten Bornhofen from April 1929.

CORRECTION (SEPT. 2007): emails from DeAnn Meysing have pointed out two misidentifications in the above photo (now corrected, as is the photo below). The person previously mislabeled at Ray Meysing is in fact Ray's father, Charles Meysing, and the woman standing beside him (rather than the woman in the back row) is his wife, Anna Gertrude Jann Meysing. DeAnn Meysing said, "Anna Gertrude Jann Meysing is in th elight dress with the corsage as it would have been their ten year Anniversary in 1929. Ray was born in 1922 so he would have been only 6 going on 7 at the time." Many thanks to DeAnn for catching the errors, and letting me know.

Many identifications in this photo were provided in March 2007 by Marion Melsheimer Czachor (thank you MMC!). The person I have identified as Dell Pfleger Wachdorf (because she is tall, near Harry, and looks like Dell) she identified as her mother. In the back rows it is hard to tell, but this at least lets us know both women were there. MMC said, "I did attend the 50th anniversary party of Aunt Kate Bornhofen. I did know quite a few of the Janns since my mother was a Jann. She was the daughter of Mary Utschig Jann and sister of Herb Jann. Herb and Kathryn were the oldest of 11 children. I'm sorry I can't identify more of the people, my eyesight isn't too great, but I have tried. I was in the picture of the 50th Anniversary but my cousin Helen Jann didn't want her picture taken, so we stayed in the back row. You can't see us."

I previously had several paragraphs here explaining how these people are related, but in print it's just confusing. Suffice to say that they all connect via the daughters and step-daughters of August Utschig, though at this point I suspect there is a further connection than I have found to explain the presence of so many members of the Wirtz family. Otherwise they are all present because August Utschig's step-daughter's daughter married Lou Pfleger whose brother Oscar married a Wirtz.

The photograph below is the same occasion, men only. To see the names of those who have been identified, move the cursor over the person's eyes. If a name pops up, you can click on the eyes to go the page on which that person, or his wife or mother, is posted. A big thanks goes to  Marion Melsheimer Czachor, who attended the party and supplied many of the names in 2007. As of right now, one man is identified as Lee Jann and another as Leo Jann. I mistakenly linked Lee Jann to Leo's info, and must write her again for clarification.

Lou Pfleger Oscar Pfleger Ed Eck Herb Jann Jr. Lee Jann Herb Jann s/o Anna Charles Meysing Herb Jann Chris Eck John Bornhofen Joe Bornhofen Harry Wachdorf Hubert Wirtz Emil Wiedemann? Eddie Pfleger Al Jann s/o Mary Utschig Jann Joe Jann s/o Anna Utschig Jann Leo Jann s/o Anna Utschig Jann

Mary Utschig Jann Margaret Bitner Katherine Bitner Bornhofen perhaps Veronica Juliana Utschig  Bitner Katherine Merten Bornhofen


The photo at left was loaned to me by a grandchild of Lou Pfleger and Gert Bornhofen Pfleger. It was labeled as a photo of Joe Bornhofen's wife. In fact, comparing the outfits and the faces with the anniversary photo above, this is (starting with KMB in the center in her white coat and going clockwise): Katherine Merten Bornhofen, an unknown person, Katherine Bitner Bornhofen, (her sister?) Margaret Bitner, and Katherine Merten Bornhofen's half-sister, Mary Jann. The unknown person may well be Veronica Juliana "Julia" Utschig Bitner, another half sister of Katherine's. If Katherine Bitner or (presumably) Julia Bitner are in the shot of the 50th, I don't spot then though clearly they were on hand for the occasion.