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All the information on this page is from a chart sent via email by the very helpful and generous  Mary Utschig Read. She labeled it, "Information gathered from several people who are related to these families: Alice Erdmann, Raymond and DeAnn Meysing, David Jann, CA, David M. Jann, Marion Melsheimer Czachor, John H. Traut, and personal research. I hope I have not left anyone out--everyone has been very helpful and happy to share with one another. This chart has been put together by Mary Utschig Read. It is not complete, but the best that could be done with the information had by January 2007. Any corrections and/or additions are welcomed and hoped for so that the family's histories can become more complete and accurate. THANK YOU again for everyone's help in gathering the information so far collected."


August/Gustav Utschig

born 1828



1822-Henrietta (Saitz)

1823?-Maria (Urban)

1824-Johann Norbert

1826- Juliana Rosina

1830-Albert Utschig

1833-Anna (died 1833)

1834-Anna Carolina

1837-Karl D.G.

1840-Karl der grosse

1843-Alfred Tobias


Not sure if Karl D.G. and Karl der grosse are the same person attributed two dates

married to

Catharina Nett

& then to

Gertrude Schmitz

previously wife of Joseph Merten



(all by Gertrude)


-1858 Catharine Merten Bornhofen (stepdaughter)

-1858 Margaret Merten Eck

-1860 Emma/Anna Merten Voell (stepdaughter)

-1865 Theresa Utschig Gesellchen

-1867 Maria Utschig Jann

-1868 Veronica Juliana Utschig Bittner

-1870 Anna Gertrude Utschig Jann

-1871 Anthony Utschig

-1874 Gertrude (died 1916)



Franz Joseph Utchig

(born 1-20-1801)



(both of Einseidl)

spouse's parents:


(there is a Nett family just up the page from August Utschig & new wife Gertrude in the 1870 census)

In the 1870 census his birthplace is listed as Bohemia, and Gertrude's as Prussia.


to see a 1929 photo of many of his children late in life (and their children) click here:

Bornhofen's 50th




August's granddaughter (via step-daughter Catherine Merten Bornhofen)

was Gert Bornhofen Pfleger,

sister-in-law of Irene Pfleger Wachdorf