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This is a photo gallery associated with the main Edward Wachdorf page.

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This photo postcard he had made in El Paso, between 1910 and 1920

Ed on left at Sinclair, three other men unknown

Ed on right

Ed's pocket watch, inscribed inside the back, "Presented to Edward J. Wachdorf by the employees of the Standard Oil Co. Chicago Ill Nov 9 1918"

postcard from the road, Tucumcari NM, 1921

Colorized Ed Wachdorf

Man in bowler unidentified, Ed on right

two men on right unidentified, Ed in back on left

Ed by spiffy car. Note the two men behind the car.

Century of Progress Frame, Sinclair truck, unknown people behind him

Same frame, Sinclair building?

Ed on right, two on left unknown

Don't know who they are, but the garage matches

his Sinclair anniversary pins

on the back of Vol 8 no 10

on the back of the Sinclair Picture News, Vol 8 No 9 (Women in War Work)