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Names and dates taken from family tree provided by Justina Hannigan Wachdorf. Maiden names omitted to protect the privacy of current generations.

Mentioned in letter by his brother-in-law 1969 Feb 5 Harry

Francis Joseph Hannigan




 1914-Mary Capetto


 1918-Justina Hannigan

 1919-John Patrick Hannigan

 1921-Henrietta Daly

 1925-Patricia Michaels


The children were all born in Chicago.

Their parents were both born in Ireland and didn't arrive in the US until after 1900.



Geraldine Lorraine Zable 




current generations

not listed

to protect

their privacy


Frank's parents:

Patrick Hannigan


 Margaret Theresa M******

Geraldine's parents:

John Zable


Bertha *****

His maternal grandparents:

Patrick ****** and Mary Kenny


His paternal grandparents:

Michael Hannigan and Bridget Rochford


His maternal aunts & uncles: Winnie M******


His paternal aunts & uncles: Martin Hannigan