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Peter Grimm

born March 24, 1852, died between 1900-1910



 1850-Maria Grimm Pfleger

 c.1858-Louis Grimm

 Kate Grimm (Endres)


 Peter and sister Maria both listed that they were born in Ohio, yet both came late to the US. Apparently their parents were in the US c. 1850 but returned with young family to Germany, and the children only returned to the states as adults. See Peter's passport application 1902 below (and also ship's record showing his return to the US 1874).

married c. 1881


Katherine "Kittie" Kafharmer*

to born 12-26-1856 in Katzenbach

*best guess reading old cursive

might be Kapfhammer?










Frank Grimm


 Katerina Lukner

spouse's parents:



maternal grandparents:


paternal grandparents:



Both Maria & Peter often claimed to be born in Ohio (Canal Dover or Bakerville). On the 1900 census Peter put that he was born in Ohio, and immigrated to the US in 1880.


Click on image to enlarge. Once enlarged, to zoom, move cursor to right of image, back onto image, and click again.

Grimm family in Germany: father Frank, Peter, Maria/Mary, Kate, Ludwig/Louis, Katerina Lukner Grimm

CDV of Peter Grimm in Germany, I think (CDV=Cartes de visites style photo)

back of previous CDV

think it's Peter Grimm, tintype

Peter Grimm's butchershop, Jackson, Mich (one of other men might be his brother Louis)

label on back of previous photo by Dell or Irene Pfleger Wachdorf

Peter, Kittie, Edward and Arthur Grimm

back of previous cabinet photo

Peter's son Frank (photo loaned by Louis Grimm's granddaughter)

Peter's sons, I think

back of previous photo

Kittie Grimm (photo loaned by Louis Grimm's granddaughter)

Edward, Arthur, Frankie Grimm and one handsome dog

back of previous photo

Edward, Arthur and Frankie (I think)

Peter Grimm, labeled "Uncle Pete" by Dell or Irene Pfleger

Graves of Frankie and Edward Grimm, probably Kittie sitting in mourning

photo that was with the shot of Frankie and Edward's graves

grave on left, extreme zoom

grave on right, extreme zoom

Kittie Grimm 2nd from right with her niece Dell (far right), nephew Oscar's wife Annie, ctr, Annie's son Edward and Dell's husband Harry

another shot, this one with label on the back

the label

1874 ship's register for the Hohenzollern, which arrived 10-28-1874 in NY from Bremen, lists Johann Pfleger (husband of Peter's sister, Maria), age 27, profession: butcher, from Bavaria. Above him in the list is Jacob Loeb, age 28, also from Bavaria, also a butcher. Below him is Peter Grimm, age 22. Oddly, Peter Grimm is the one who remains a butcher throughout his life, but his profession is listed as farmer. Don't know if Jacob Loeb was in any way related, but the proximity in the log and same profession are suggestive of some sort of connection.


Nov. 26, 1876 in Jackson County, Michigan, city of Jackson, a marriage was performed by Theopilus Buyse, Catholic priest, between John Pfleger, 28, and Maria Grimm, 26. John's birthplace is listed as Bavaria, his profession as butcher. Maria's birthplace is listed as Ohio (see her page for the mystery of Canal Dover, Ohio). The witnesses were her brother, Peter Grimm, and Emma Gass, both of Jackson.


1887 Jackson Michigan directory listed Peter Grimm as part of J. Weber & Co, meat market, on 514 Chicago (partners John Weber, Fred Weber, Peter Grimm)


1888 Jackson Michigan directory listed Peter Grimm as part of Weber, Grimm & Co on 218 E. Main (partners Frederick Weber, Peter Grimm & Richard Wirsing). The 1888 directory also listed Peter's brother, Louis Grimm, occupation: meat market, boards same, 510 E. Main


1890 Jackson Michigan directory listed Peter Grimm as part of Weber, Grimm & Co on 506 E. Pearl, (same partners as 1888). 1890 also showed Peter's brother Louis as Ludwig Grimm, occupation: butcher, business name: C. Weber of 510 E. Main. (which is a location that matches none of the others except Louis' own listing in 1888)


1900 census, Jackson Michigan, Blackman Township, Jackson city:

-Grimm, Peter, 48, born March 1852, married 19 years, born in Ohio of parents born in Germany, butcher

-Wife "Kater", age 44, born Dec. 1855, married 19 years, born in Germany of parents born in Germany, mother of 3; one surviving.

-Son Arthur, age 18, born Jan 1882 in Michigan of a father from Ohio and a mother from Germany, bookkeeper.


March 1902 passport application (underlined sections are those filled in by Peter Grimm)

I, Peter Grimm, a native and loyal citizen of the United States, hereby apply to the Department of State at Washing, for a passport for myself, accompanied by my wife and minor son Arthur as follows: Arthur Grimm (there's something between Arthur and Grimm, but I can't read it) born at Jackson Mich on the 29th day of January 1882 and my wife was born Katzenbach Germany on the 26th of December 1856 wife's given name is Kafharmer (that's a guess--old cursive is not always easy to read, closest name google hits with is Kapfhammer). I solemnly swear that I was born at Canal Dover in the State of Ohio on or about the 24th day of March 1852; that my father was ("Is" crossed out, "was" written in) a naturalized citizen of the United States; that I am domiciled in the United States, my permanent residence being at Jackson in the State of Michigan, where I follow the occupation of Butcher; that I am about to go abroad temporarily; and that I intend to return within 2 years with the purpose of residing and performing the duties of citizenship therein.

    Signed by witness Rudolph Worch, attorney at law, 113 (or 118) East Main Street, Jackson, and by an illegible signature.

    Description of Applicant: age 50 years, stature 5 feet 10 inches, forehead high, eyes blue, nose medium, mouth medium, chin round, hair turning gray, complexion fair, face round.


1910 census Jackson Michigan, Jackson City, 512 Pearl St.

-Grimm, Arthur, age 28, in 1st marriage for 5 years, born in MI of parents born in Ger, proprietor--monument emporium

-Wife Elizabeth, age 25, mother of one, one surviving. Born in Michigan of parents born in Michigan

-Son George E., age 2, born in Michigan

-Mother Katherine, age 54, widow, born in Germany of parents born in G. Mother of three of whom one survives, immigrated 1880.


1918 draft registration

Arthur Aloysius Grimm, age 37, of 401 N. East (?) Ave., Jackson, born 1-29-1881, tall and slender with brown hair and brown eyes. Occupation: wholesale tobacco. By whom employed: Howard & Grimm, 136 W. Pearl, Jackson. Next of kin: (wife) Elizabeth Grimm. (NOTE: as is often the case with draft cards for some reason, the birth month and day are fine, but the year is fiddled with. By the Social Security Death index, he was born 1-29-1882, not 1881.)


1920 census Jackson Michigan, Jackson Ward 4, Blackstone St.

-Grimm, Arthur, age 38, MI-Ger-Ger, owns home free of mortgage, in wholesale tobacco industry

-wife Elizabeth, age 29, MI-Ire-Ire (comparing to 1910 and 1930, her age should actually be 35)

-Mother-in-law, Connor?, Anna, age 55, widow, immigration date unknown, Ire-Ire-Ire. (Frustrating illegibility on her surname)


1930 census Oak Park, IL, Austin Blvd

-Grimm, Arthur A., age 48, renting, born MI-OH-Ger, inspector--trees

-Wife Elizabeth, age 45, MI-MI-Ireland


Social Security Death Index: Arthur A. Grimm born 1-29-1882 died Jan. 1967 in Chicago, IL.

Connection: Peter's niece (by his sister Maria Grimm Pfleger) was Irene Pfleger Wachdorf