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1960 letters

1960 Jan 9 Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, in two parts, first to her grandson, then to her daughter, thanking for Xmas gifts, congrats on new baby, Larry bought them a color TV, photo included ("color T.V. is beautiful too but there are so few color T.V. programs it hardly pays to have one") so they invited neighbors from both sides & Larry's golfing buddy & wife to watch Rose Parade. Got Lassie wallets for the kids.


1960 Feb 13 Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, on her daughter's new daughter, but mostly about visit by son Frank's 3rd daughter ("If I say anything to her that she doesn't like I'm either a baby or a pain in the neck...every time she goes by Grandpa she has to give him a slap just to hear him holler ouch. She is really a little darling and I could just eat her up. She says she is my little wooden shoe and I'm her big wooden shoe.") Larry likes his records and "all he does after he gets home is look at T.V. a golf tournament or some other tournament of some sport or other..."


1960 April Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, sending birthday wishes, but in a rush, expecting Carrie (presume Baldwin) on the Santa Fe El Capitan, don't know how long she will stay, all fine, "can hardly wait to get your letter saying we will all be there soon."


1960 Aug 4 from Larry Wachdorf to brother-in-law Les says (full text): "I'm not so smart... the last thing I did was check to make sure you hadn't left anything which I would have to send (illegible). But who ever looks at old dusty golf trophies (more than 3 times a day, that is). Anyway, I finally caught up with you. Checkmate!"


1960 Nov 16 Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf: "Felt awful let down after we got home, we missed you all so much" and tending Ed Sr's cold as they don't "want another repetition of having to have oxygen tanks and Doctors calls like he did about 2 years ago," on Frank Wagner (father of Christine who eventually married Ed Wachdorf Jr) moving to CA & having bladder cancer, Ruth over her cancer, Janet King had another girl, husband disappointed, expecting Jinny & gang for Thanksgiving as they sold their house and haven't found new one, looking forward to it as holidays otherwise gloomy, on grandkids, etc


1960 Nov 29 Irene by Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, on neighbor Janet King's baby, on babysitting herself for Ruth Kelly, and her son John asking Larry for more brew, playing pinochle with the Kelly's, disappointed Jinny and family didn't come for Thanksgiving but busy moving, note added in to her grandsons.