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Herbert Charles Christopher Pfleger

6-2-1904 to 12-4-1915








Being named Herbert was probably to honor his maternal grandfather,

Hubert Wirtz,

but why two middle names?


Firstborn son


was killed when

struck by a truck while

"catching on"

the back of an express

at eleven years old. Eleanor said it was an egg truck.


His brother John,

the second-born son,

also died young in

an accident.

He broke his neck

playing football



Oscar Pfleger


Annie Wirtz

maternal grandparents

Hubert Wirtz


Mary Krump

paternal grandparents:

Johann Pfleger


Maria Grimm

maternal aunts & uncles:

Gertrude Wirtz & Emil Wiedemann, Barbara (Sr. M. Louise), Mary Wirtz & Edwin Enk, Charles Wirtz, Tony Wirtz


paternal aunts & uncles:

c. 1878-Henry Pfleger & Louise Lift; 1883-Lou Pfleger & Gert Bornhofen; c.1885-Dell Pfleger & Harry Wachdorf; 1888-Irene Pfleger & Edward Wachdorf


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label on back of previous

John and Herbert

same outfits, John and Herbert with their cousin Marie Enk

same photo, rattier copy, but labeled

John and Herbert, looks like Palm Sunday

full label below the photo gallery


tiny article on the accident

his death certificate, info summed up below since this is hard to read

his gravestone, St. Mary's Cemetery, Evergreen Park

Photo caption of group shot: back row from left, Gert Wirtz Wiedemann, Edward Wachdorf (husband of Irene Pfleger), child in arms unknown, Dell Pfleger, Oscar Pfleger holding unknown child, Irene Pfleger Wachdorf, Mary Wirtz (Enk), possibly Charles Wirtz? Front row from left: Tony Wirtz, unknown, Mary Wirtz (mother of Annie, Gert, Charles and Tony), unknown child, Maria Grimm Pfleger (mother of Oscar, Irene and Dell), Annie Wirtz Pfleger, her son Herbert behind her with his aunt Irene's hand on his shoulder, two unknown children in front of Hubert Wirtz (father of Annie, Gert, Charles and Tony), and on the far end, John Pfleger (son of Oscar and Annie)

Death certificate synopsis: 11 years old. Occupation, school boy. Died at about 8:05 p.m. at Wesley Hospital. Usual residence 5648 S. 5th Ave. Informant Oscar Pfleger. Cause of death: shock--hemorrhage and internal injuries. Caused by: struck and knocked down by auto truck at 57th and Princeton on Dec. 4 at about 11:55 a.m. (lunch time). The death certificate says he was at the hospital for five hours, but the gap between accident and death is eight hours.

Connection: his paternal aunt was Irene Pfleger Wachdorf